Faculae :: Faculae (n. pl.) Groups of small shining spots on the surface of the sun which are brighter than the other parts of the photosphere. They are generally seen in the neighborhood of the dark spots, and are supposed to be elevated portions of the photosphere..
Facular :: Facular (a.) Of or pertaining to the faculae.
Faculties :: Faculties (pl. ) of Facult.
Faculty :: Faculty (n.) Ability to act or perform, whether inborn or cultivated; capacity for any natural function; especially, an original mental power or capacity for any of the well-known classes of mental activity; psychical or soul capacity; capacity for any of the leading kinds of soul activity, as knowledge, feeling, volition; intellectual endowment or gift; power; as, faculties of the mind or the soul..
Faculty :: Faculty (n.) Special mental endowment; characteristic knack.
Faculty :: Faculty (n.) Power; prerogative or attribute of office.
Faculty :: Faculty (n.) Privilege or permission, granted by favor or indulgence, to do a particular thing; authority; license; dispensation..
Faculty :: Faculty (n.) A body of a men to whom any specific right or privilege is granted; formerly, the graduates in any of the four departments of a university or college (Philosophy, Law, Medicine, or Theology), to whom was granted the right of teaching (profitendi or docendi) in the department in which they had studied; at present, the members of a profession itself; as, the medical faculty; the legal faculty, ect..
Faculty :: Faculty (n.) The body of person to whom are intrusted the government and instruction of a college or university, or of one of its departments; the president, professors, and tutors in a college..
Facund :: Facund (a.) Eloquent.
Facundious :: Facundious (a.) Eloquement; full of words.
Facundity :: Facundity (n.) Eloquence; readiness of speech.
Underfaculty :: Underfaculty (n.) An inferior or subordinate faculty.
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