Definition of f

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F () F is the sixth letter of the English alphabet, and a nonvocal consonant. Its form and sound are from the Latin. The Latin borrowed the form from the Greek digamma /, which probably had the value of English w consonant. The form and value of Greek letter came from the Phoenician, the ultimate source being probably Egyptian. Etymologically f is most closely related to p, k, v, and b; as in E. five, Gr. pe`nte; E. wolf, L. lupus, Gr. ly`kos; E. fox, vixen ; fragile, break; fruit, brook, v. t.;

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Minister :: Minister (n.) A representative of a government, sent to the court, or seat of government, of a foreign nation to transact diplomatic business..
Brest :: Brest (3d for Bursteth.
Smotheriness :: Smotheriness (n.) The quality or state of being smothery.
Brood :: Brood (v. t.) The young birds hatched at one time; a hatch; as, a brood of chickens..
Sputter :: Sputtering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Sputte.
Mediostapedial :: Mediostapedial (a.) Pertaining to that part of the columella of the ear which, in some animals, connects the stapes with the other parts of the columella..
Patriotic :: Patriotic (a.) Inspired by patriotism; actuated by love of one's country; zealously and unselfishly devoted to the service of one's country; as, a patriotic statesman, vigilance..
Piperidine :: Piperidine (n.) An oily liquid alkaloid, C5H11N, having a hot, peppery, ammoniacal odor. It is related to pyridine, and is obtained by the decomposition of piperine..
Lieutenant :: Lieutenant (n.) An officer who supplies the place of a superior in his absence; a representative of, or substitute for, another in the performance of any duty..
Genipap :: Genipap (n.) The edible fruit of a West Indian tree (Genipa Americana) of the order Rubiaceae. It is oval in shape, as a large as a small orange, of a pale greenish color, and with dark purple juice..
Thurst :: Thurst (n.) The ruins of the fallen roof resulting from the removal of the pillars and stalls.
Profanely :: Profanely (adv.) In a profane manner.
Lurid :: Lurid (a.) Of a color tinged with purple, yellow, and gray..
Accessory :: Accessory (a.) Accompanying as a subordinate; aiding in a secondary way; additional; connected as an incident or subordinate to a principal; contributing or contributory; said of persons and things, and, when of persons, usually in a bad sense; as, he was accessory to the riot; accessory sounds in music..
Tormentil :: Tormentil (n.) A rosaceous herb (Potentilla Tormentilla), the root of which is used as a powerful astringent, and for alleviating gripes, or tormina, in diarrhea..
Janus :: "Janus (n.) A Latin deity represented with two faces looking in opposite directions. Numa is said to have dedicated to Janus the covered passage at Rome, near the Forum, which is usually called the Temple of Janus. This passage was open in war and closed in peace..
Labium :: Labium (n.) The lip of an organ pipe.
Dag :: Dag (n.) A large pistol formerly used.
Irresuscitable :: Irresuscitable (a.) Incapable of being resuscitated or revived.
Surcloying :: Surcloyed (imp. & p. p.) of Surclo.
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