Definition of patriotic

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Patriotic (a.) Inspired by patriotism; actuated by love of one's country; zealously and unselfishly devoted to the service of one's country; as, a patriotic statesman, vigilance..

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Electrify :: Electrify (v. t.) To excite suddenly and violently, esp. by something highly delightful or inspiriting; to thrill; as, this patriotic sentiment electrified the audience..
Eisteddfod :: Eisteddfod (n.) Am assembly or session of the Welsh bards; an annual congress of bards, minstrels and literati of Wales, -- being a patriotic revival of the old custom..
Asmonean :: Asmonean (a.) Of or pertaining to the patriotic Jewish family to which the Maccabees belonged; Maccabean; as, the Asmonean dynasty..
Patriot :: Patriot (a.) Becoming to a patriot; patriotic.
Patriotic :: Patriotic (a.) Inspired by patriotism; actuated by love of one's country; zealously and unselfishly devoted to the service of one's country; as, a patriotic statesman, vigilance..
Septembrist :: Septembrist (n.) An agent in the massacres in Paris, committed in patriotic frenzy, on the 22d of September, 1792..
Patriotical :: Patriotical (a.) Patriotic; that pertains to a patriot.
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