Definition of express

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Express (n.) That which is sent by an express messenger or message.

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Rhyme :: Rhyme (n.) An expression of thought in numbers, measure, or verse; a composition in verse; a rhymed tale; poetry; harmony of language..
Lesson :: Lesson (n.) That which is learned or taught by an express effort; instruction derived from precept, experience, observation, or deduction; a precept; a doctrine; as, to take or give a lesson in drawing..
Overword :: Overword (v. t.) To say in too many words; to express verbosely.
Out :: Out (interj.) Expressing impatience, anger, a desire to be rid of; -- with the force of command; go out; begone; away; off..
Plaudit :: Plaudit (n.) A mark or expression of applause; praise bestowed.
Digraph :: Digraph (n.) Two signs or characters combined to express a single articulated sound; as ea in head, or th in bath..
Courteous :: Courteous (a.) Of courtlike manners; pertaining to, or expressive of, courtesy; characterized by courtesy; civil; obliging; well bred; polite; affable; complaisant..
Ricinus :: Ricinus (n.) A genus of plants of the Spurge family, containing but one species (R. communis), the castor-oil plant. The fruit is three-celled, and contains three large seeds from which castor oil iss expressed. See Palma Christi..
Tilly-vally :: Tilly-vally (interj., adv., or a.) A word of unknown origin and signification, formerly used as expressive of contempt, or when anything said was reject as trifling or impertinent..
Hotpress :: Hotpress (v. t.) To apply to, in conjunction with mechanical pressure, for the purpose of giving a smooth and glosay surface, or to express oil, etc.; as, to hotpress paper, linen, etc..
Express :: Express (a.) To denote; to designate.
Complaint :: Complaint (n.) Expression of grief, regret, pain, censure, or resentment; lamentation; murmuring; accusation; fault-finding..
Risible :: Risible (a.) Used in, or expressing, laughter; as, risible muscles..
Weight :: Weight (v. t.) The quality of being heavy; that property of bodies by which they tend toward the center of the earth; the effect of gravitative force, especially when expressed in certain units or standards, as pounds, grams, etc..
Trope :: Trope (n.) The use of a word or expression in a different sense from that which properly belongs to it; the use of a word or expression as changed from the original signification to another, for the sake of giving life or emphasis to an idea; a figure of speech..
Greeting :: Greeting (n.) Expression of kindness or joy; salutation at meeting; a compliment from one absent.
Explicit :: Explicit (a.) Not implied merely, or conveyed by implication; distinctly stated; plain in language; open to the understanding; clear; not obscure or ambiguous; express; unequivocal; as, an explicit declaration..
Anonym :: Anonym (n.) A notion which has no name, or which can not be expressed by a single English word..
Approbatory :: Approbatory (a.) Containing or expressing approbation; commendatory.
Surd :: Surd (n.) A quantity which can not be expressed by rational numbers; thus, �2 is a surd..
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