Definition of expiration

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Expiration (n.) A coming to a close; cessation; extinction; termination; end.

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Expiry :: Expiry (n.) Expiration.
Desert :: Desert (v. i.) To abandon a service without leave; to quit military service without permission, before the expiration of one's term; to abscond..
Inspiration :: Inspiration (n.) The act of inspiring or breathing in; breath; specif. (Physiol.), the drawing of air into the lungs, accomplished in mammals by elevation of the chest walls and flattening of the diaphragm; -- the opposite of expiration..
Expiration :: Expiration (n.) That which is expired; matter breathed forth; that which is produced by breathing out, as a sound..
Expiration :: Expiration (n.) A coming to a close; cessation; extinction; termination; end.
Expiration :: Expiration (n.) Emission of volatile matter; exhalation.
Exsufflation :: Exsufflation (n.) A strongly forced expiration of air from the lungs.
Expiratory :: Expiratory (a.) Pertaining to, or employed in, the expiration or emission of air from the lungs; as, the expiratory muscles..
Expiration :: Expiration (n.) The act or process of breathing out, or forcing air from the lungs through the nose or mouth; as, respiration consists of inspiration and expiration; -- opposed to inspiration..
Away-going :: Away-going (a.) Sown during the last years of a tenancy, but not ripe until after its expiration; -- said of crops..
Expiration :: Expiration (n.) The last emission of breath; death.
Stamped :: Stammering (n.) A disturbance in the formation of sounds. It is due essentially to long-continued spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm, by which expiration is preented, and hence it may be considered as a spasmodic inspiration..
Wind-broken :: Wind-broken (a.) Having the power of breathing impaired by the rupture, dilatation, or running together of air cells of the lungs, so that while the inspiration is by one effort, the expiration is by two; affected with pulmonary emphysema or with heaves; -- said of a horse..
Expiration :: Expiration (n.) The act of expirin.
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