Definition of excused

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Excused (imp. & p. p.) of Excus.

Lern More About Excused

Excused :: Excused (imp. & p. p.) of Excus.
Stint :: Stint (v. t.) To assign a certain (i. e., limited) task to (a person), upon the performance of which one is excused from further labor for the day or for a certain time; to stent..
Soc :: Soc (n.) Liberty or privilege of tenants excused from customary burdens.
Excuse :: Excuse (v. t.) That which is offered as a reason for being excused; a plea offered in extenuation of a fault or irregular deportment; apology; as, an excuse for neglect of duty; excuses for delay of payment..
Mediocre :: Mediocre (n.) A young monk who was excused from performing a portion of a monk's duties.
Excusable :: Excusable (a.) That may be excused, forgiven, justified, or acquitted of blame; pardonable; as, the man is excusable; an excusable action..
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