Definition of everything

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Everything (n.) Whatever pertains to the subject under consideration; all things.

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Skepticize :: Skepticize (v. i.) To doubt; to pretend to doubt of everything.
Distinguishing :: Distinguishing (a.) Constituting difference, or distinction from everything else; distinctive; peculiar; characteristic..
Superficies :: Superficies (n.) Everything on the surface of a piece of ground, or of a building, so closely connected by art or nature as to constitute a part of it, as houses, or other superstructures, fences, trees, vines, etc..
Rose-pink :: Rose-pink (a.) Disposed to clothe everything with roseate hues; hence, sentimental..
Hobbism :: Hobbism (n.) The philosophical system of Thomas Hobbes, an English materialist (1588-1679); esp., his political theory that the most perfect form of civil government is an absolute monarchy with despotic control over everything relating to law, morals, and religion..
Omnipercipient :: Omnipercipient (a.) Perceiving everything.
Sweepings :: Sweeping (a.) Cleaning off surfaces, or cleaning away dust, dirt, or litter, as a broom does; moving with swiftness and force; carrying everything before it; including in its scope many persons or things; as, a sweeping flood; a sweeping majority; a sweeping accusation..
Land :: Land (n.) Any ground, soil, or earth whatsoever, as meadows, pastures, woods, etc., and everything annexed to it, whether by nature, as trees, water, etc., or by the hand of man, as buildings, fences, etc.; real estate..
Paneulogism :: Paneulogism (n.) Eulogy of everything; indiscriminate praise.
Quidnunc :: Quidnunc (n.) One who is curious to know everything that passes; one who knows, or pretends to know, all that is going on..
Green-eyed :: Green-eyed (a.) Seeing everything through a medium which discolors or distorts.
Optimism :: Optimism (n.) The opinion or doctrine that everything in nature, being the work of God, is ordered for the best, or that the ordering of things in the universe is such as to produce the highest good..
Pessimism :: Pessimism (n.) The opinion or doctrine that everything in nature is ordered for or tends to the worst, or that the world is wholly evil; -- opposed to optimism..
Trim :: Trim (v. t.) Fitly adjusted; being in good order., or made ready for service or use; firm; compact; snug; neat; fair; as, the ship is trim, or trim built; everything about the man is trim; a person is trim when his body is well shaped and firm; his dress is trim when it fits closely to his body, and appears tight and snug; a man or a soldier is trim when he stands erect..
Naturism :: Naturism (n.) The belief or doctrine that attributes everything to nature as a sanative agent.
Sweep :: Sweep (n.) The compass of anything flowing or brushing; as, the flood carried away everything within its sweep..
Know-all :: Know-all (n.) One who knows everything; hence, one who makes pretension to great knowledge; a wiseacre; -- usually ironical..
Everything :: Everything (n.) Whatever pertains to the subject under consideration; all things.
Commodity :: Commodity (n.) That which affords convenience, advantage, or profit, especially in commerce, including everything movable that is bought and sold (except animals), -- goods, wares, merchandise, produce of land and manufactures, etc..
Omnispective :: Omnispective (a.) Beholding everything; capable of seeing all things; all-seeing.
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