Definition of eucharis

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Eucharis (n.) A genus of South American amaryllidaceous plants with large and beautiful white blossoms.

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Impanate :: Impanate (a.) Embodied in bread, esp. in the bread of the eucharist..
Eucharis :: Eucharis (n.) A genus of South American amaryllidaceous plants with large and beautiful white blossoms.
Eucharist :: Eucharist (n.) The sacrament of the Lord's Supper; the solemn act of ceremony of commemorating the death of Christ, in the use of bread and wine, as the appointed emblems; the communion..
Corporale :: Corporale (a.) A fine linen cloth, on which the sacred elements are consecrated in the eucharist, or with which they are covered; a communion cloth..
Impanation :: Impanation (a.) Embodiment in bread; the supposed real presence and union of Christ's material body and blood with the substance of the elements of the eucharist without a change in their nature; -- distinguished from transubstantiation, which supposes a miraculous change of the substance of the elements. It is akin to consubstantiation..
Paten :: Paten (n.) The place on which the consecrated bread is placed in the Eucharist, or on which the host is placed during the Mass. It is usually small, and formed as to fit the chalice, or cup, as a cover..
Stercorarian :: Stercoranist (n.) A nickname formerly given to those who held, or were alleged to hold, that the consecrated elements in the eucharist undergo the process of digestion in the body of the recipient..
Housel :: Housel (v. t.) To administer the eucharist to.
Sacrament :: Sacrament (n.) One of the solemn religious ordinances enjoined by Christ, the head of the Christian church, to be observed by his followers; hence, specifically, the eucharist; the Lord's Supper..
Adessenarian :: Adessenarian (n.) One who held the real presence of Christ's body in the eucharist, but not by transubstantiation..
Utraquist :: Utraquist (n.) One who receives the eucharist in both kinds; esp., one of a body of Hussites who in the 15th century fought for the right to do this. Called also Calixtines..
Wafer :: Wafer (n.) A thin cake or piece of bread (commonly unleavened, circular, and stamped with a crucifix or with the sacred monogram) used in the Eucharist, as in the Roman Catholic Church..
Eucharistical :: Eucharistical (a.) Giving thanks; expressing thankfulness; rejoicing.
Mass :: Mass (n.) The sacrifice in the sacrament of the Eucharist, or the consecration and oblation of the host..
Housel :: Housel (n.) The eucharist.
Ubiquitarian :: Ubiquitarian (n.) One of a school of Lutheran divines which held that the body of Christ is present everywhere, and especially in the eucharist, in virtue of his omnipresence. Called also ubiquitist, and ubiquitary..
Bethlehem :: Bethlehem (n.) In the Ethiopic church, a small building attached to a church edifice, in which the bread for the eucharist is made..
Commune :: Commune (v. i.) To receive the communion; to partake of the eucharist or Lord's supper.
Viaticum :: Viaticum (n.) The communion, or eucharist, when given to persons in danger of death..
Mystery :: Mystery (a.) The consecrated elements in the eucharist.
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