Definition of amphibian

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Amphibian (a.) Of or pertaining to the Amphibia; as, amphibian reptiles..

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Siren :: Siren (n.) Any long, slender amphibian of the genus Siren or family Sirenidae, destitute of hind legs and pelvis, and having permanent external gills as well as lungs. They inhabit the swamps, lagoons, and ditches of the Southern United States. The more common species (Siren lacertina) is dull lead-gray in color, and becames two feet long..
Axolotl :: Axolotl (n.) An amphibian of the salamander tribe found in the elevated lakes of Mexico; the siredon.
Batrachia :: Batrachia (n. pl.) The order of amphibians which includes the frogs and toads; the Anura. Sometimes the word is used in a wider sense as equivalent to Amphibia.
Congo Snake :: Congo snake () An amphibian (Amphiuma means) of the order Urodela, found in the southern United States. See Amphiuma..
Amphibian :: Amphibian (n.) One of the Amphibia.
Vent :: Vent (n.) The anal opening of certain invertebrates and fishes; also, the external cloacal opening of reptiles, birds, amphibians, and many fishes..
Coracoid :: Coracoid (a.) Pertaining to a bone of the shoulder girdle in most birds, reptiles, and amphibians, which is reduced to a process of the scapula in most mammals..
Pylangium :: Pylangium (n.) The first and undivided part of the aortic trunk in the amphibian heart.
Caecilian :: Caecilian (n.) A limbless amphibian belonging to the order Caeciliae or Ophimorpha. See Ophiomorpha.
Web :: Web (n.) The membrane which unites the fingers or toes, either at their bases, as in man, or for a greater part of their length, as in many water birds and amphibians..
Roe :: Roe (n.) The ova or spawn of fishes and amphibians, especially when still inclosed in the ovarian membranes. Sometimes applied, loosely, to the sperm and the testes of the male..
Ganocephala :: Ganocephala (n. pl.) A group of fossil amphibians allied to the labyrinthodonts, having the head defended by bony, sculptured plates, as in some ganoid fishes..
Operculum :: Operculum (n.) The fold of integument, usually supported by bony plates, which protects the gills of most fishes and some amphibians; the gill cover; the gill lid..
Ophiomorpha :: Ophiomorpha (n. pl.) An order of tailless amphibians having a slender, wormlike body with regular annulations, and usually with minute scales imbedded in the skin. The limbs are rudimentary or wanting. It includes the caecilians. Called also Gymnophiona and Ophidobatrachia..
Articulary :: Articulary (n.) A bone in the base of the lower jaw of many birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes..
Urostyle :: Urostyle (n.) A styliform process forming the posterior extremity of the vertebral column in some fishes and amphibians.
Septomaxillary :: Septomaxillary (n.) A small bone between the nasal septum and the maxilla in many reptiles and amphibians.
Proteidea :: Proteidea (n. pl.) An order of aquatic amphibians having prominent external gills and four legs. It includes Proteus and Menobranchus (Necturus). Called also Proteoidea, and Proteida..
Lagena :: Lagena (n.) The terminal part of the cochlea in birds and most reptiles; an appendage of the sacculus, corresponding to the cochlea, in fishes and amphibians..
Stegosauria :: Stegocephala (n. pl.) An extinct order of amphibians found fossil in the Mesozoic rocks; called also Stegocephali, and Labyrinthodonta..
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