Definition of erudition

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of erudition is as below...

Erudition (n.) The act of instructing; the result of thorough instruction; the state of being erudite or learned; the acquisitions gained by extensive reading or study; particularly, learning in literature or criticism, as distinct from the sciences; scholarship..

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Scholarship :: Scholarship (n.) The character and qualities of a scholar; attainments in science or literature; erudition; learning.
Expert :: Expert (n.) A specialist in a particular profession or department of science requiring for its mastery peculiar culture and erudition.
Erudition :: Erudition (n.) The act of instructing; the result of thorough instruction; the state of being erudite or learned; the acquisitions gained by extensive reading or study; particularly, learning in literature or criticism, as distinct from the sciences; scholarship..
Knowledge :: Knowledge (v. i.) That which is gained and preserved by knowing; instruction; acquaintance; enlightenment; learning; scholarship; erudition.
Famous :: Famous (a.) Celebrated in fame or public report; renowned; mach talked of; distinguished in story; -- used in either a good or a bad sense, chiefly the former; often followed by for; as, famous for erudition, for eloquence, for military skill; a famous pirate..
Letter :: Letter (n.) Learning; erudition; as, a man of letters..
Learning :: Learning (n.) The knowledge or skill received by instruction or study; acquired knowledge or ideas in any branch of science or literature; erudition; literature; science; as, he is a man of great learning..
Wisdom :: Wisdom (a.) The results of wise judgments; scientific or practical truth; acquired knowledge; erudition.
Unusual :: Unusual (a.) Not usual; uncommon; rare; as, an unusual season; a person of unusual grace or erudition..
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