Definition of eocene

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Eocene (a.) Pertaining to the first in time of the three subdivisions into which the Tertiary formation is divided by geologists, and alluding to the approximation in its life to that of the present era; as, Eocene deposits..

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Dinoceras :: Dinoceras (n.) A genus of large extinct Eocene mammals from Wyoming; -- called also Uintatherium. See Illustration in Appendix.
Tillodontia :: Tillodontia (n. pl.) An extinct group of Mammalia found fossil in the Eocene formation. The species are related to the carnivores, ungulates, and rodents. Called also Tillodonta..
Flysch :: Flysch (n.) A name given to the series of sandstones and schists overlying the true nummulitic formation in the Alps, and included in the Eocene Tertiary..
Formation :: Formation (n.) A group of beds of the same age or period; as, the Eocene formation..
Oligocene :: Oligocene (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, certain strata which occupy an intermediate position between the Eocene and Miocene periods..
Eocene :: Eocene (n.) The Eocene formation.
Zeuglodon :: Zeuglodon (n.) A genus of extinct Eocene whales, remains of which have been found in the Gulf States. The species had very long and slender bodies and broad serrated teeth. See Phocodontia..
Gastornis :: Gastornis (n.) A genus of large eocene birds from the Paris basin.
Uintatherium :: Uintatherium (n.) An extinct genus of large Eocene ungulates allied to Dinoceras. This name is sometimes used for nearly all the known species of the group. See Dinoceras.
Diatryma :: Diatryma (n.) An extinct eocene bird from New Mexico, larger than the ostrich..
Neocene :: Neocene (a.) More recent than the Eocene, that is, including both the Miocene and Pliocene divisions of the Tertiary..
Coryphodon :: Coryphodon (n.) A genus of extinct mammals from the eocene tertiary of Europe and America. Its species varied in size between the tapir and rhinoceros, and were allied to those animals, but had short, plantigrade, five-toed feet, like the elephant..
Eocene :: Eocene (a.) Pertaining to the first in time of the three subdivisions into which the Tertiary formation is divided by geologists, and alluding to the approximation in its life to that of the present era; as, Eocene deposits..
Orohippus :: Orohippus (n.) A genus of American Eocene mammals allied to the horse, but having four toes in front and three behind..
Odontopteryx :: Odontopteryx (n.) An extinct Eocene bird having the jaws strongly serrated, or dentated, but destitute of true teeth. It was found near London..
Alabama Period :: Alabama period () A period in the American eocene, the lowest in the tertiary age except the lignitic..
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