Definition of amma

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Amma (n.) An abbes or spiritual mother.

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Linsang :: Linsang (n.) Any viverrine mammal of the genus Prionodon, inhabiting the East Indies and Southern Asia. The common East Indian linsang (P. gracilis) is white, crossed by broad, black bands. The Guinea linsang (Porana Richardsonii) is brown with black spots..
Zebu :: Zebu (n.) A bovine mammal (Ros Indicus) extensively domesticated in India, China, the East Indies, and East Africa. It usually has short horns, large pendulous ears, slender legs, a large dewlap, and a large, prominent hump over the shoulders; but these characters vary in different domestic breeds, which range in size from that of the common ox to that of a large mastiff..
Lion :: Lion (n.) A large carnivorous feline mammal (Felis leo), found in Southern Asia and in most parts of Africa, distinct varieties occurring in the different countries. The adult male, in most varieties, has a thick mane of long shaggy hair that adds to his apparent size, which is less than that of the largest tigers. The length, however, is sometimes eleven feet to the base of the tail. The color is a tawny yellow or yellowish brown; the mane is darker, and the terminal tuft of the tail is black.
Mammals :: Mammals (pl. ) of Mamma.
Mammalogist :: Mammalogist (n.) One versed in mammalogy.
Leptomeningitis :: Leptomeningitis (n.) Inflammation of the pia mater or of the arachnoid membrane.
Daman :: Daman (n.) A small herbivorous mammal of the genus Hyrax. The species found in Palestine and Syria is Hyrax Syriacus; that of Northern Africa is H. Brucei; -- called also ashkoko, dassy, and rock rabbit. See Cony, and Hyrax..
Digamma :: Digamma (n.) A letter (/, /) of the Greek alphabet, which early fell into disuse..
Bimastism :: Bimastism (n.) The condition of having two mammae or teats.
Machairodus :: Machairodus (n.) A genus of extinct mammals allied to the cats, and having in the upper jaw canine teeth of remarkable size and strength; -- hence called saber-toothed tigers..
Anagrammatical :: Anagrammatical (a.) Pertaining to, containing, or making, an anagram..
Lipogrammatic :: Lipogrammatic (a.) Omitting a letter; composed of words not having a certain letter or letters; as, lipogrammatic writings..
Methane :: Methane (n.) A light, colorless, gaseous, inflammable hydrocarbon, CH4; marsh gas. See Marsh gas, under Gas..
Pyelitis :: Pyelitis (n.) Inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney.
Intermedium :: Intermedium (n.) The bone or cartilage between the radiale and ulnare in the carpus, and between the tibiale and fibulare in the tarsus. It corresponds to the lunar in the carpus, and to a part of the astragalus in the tarsus of man and most mammals..
Quadruped :: Quadruped (n.) An animal having four feet, as most mammals and reptiles; -- often restricted to the mammals..
Colitis :: Colitis (n.) An inflammation of the large intestine, esp. of its mucous membrane; colonitis..
Involve :: Involve (v. t.) To complicate or make intricate, as in grammatical structure..
Landamman :: Landamman (n.) A chief magistrate in some of the Swiss cantons.
Dermatitis :: Dermatitis (n.) Inflammation of the skin.
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