Definition of catarrh

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Catarrh (n.) An inflammatory affection of any mucous membrane, in which there are congestion, swelling, and an altertion in the quantity and quality of mucus secreted; as, catarrh of the stomach; catarrh of the bladder..

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Defluxion :: Defluxion (n.) A discharge or flowing of humors or fluid matter, as from the nose in catarrh; -- sometimes used synonymously with inflammation..
Murr :: Murr (n.) A catarrh.
Sniffle :: Sniffle (v. i.) To snuffle, as one does with a catarrh..
Catarrh :: Catarrh (n.) An inflammatory affection of any mucous membrane, in which there are congestion, swelling, and an altertion in the quantity and quality of mucus secreted; as, catarrh of the stomach; catarrh of the bladder..
Anticatarrhal :: Anticatarrhal (a.) Efficacious against catarrh.
Anticatarrhal :: Anticatarrhal (n.) An anticatarrhal remedy.
Pose :: Pose (n.) A cold in the head; catarrh.
Snuffle :: Snuffle (n.) Obstruction of the nose by mucus; nasal catarrh of infants or children.
Rubella :: Rubella (n.) An acute specific disease with a dusky red cutaneous eruption resembling that of measles, but unattended by catarrhal symptoms; -- called also German measles..
Catarrhine :: Catarrhine (n.) One of the Catarrhina, a division of Quadrumana, including the Old World monkeys and apes which have the nostrils close together and turned downward. See Monkey..
Broncho-pneumonia :: Broncho-pneumonia (n.) Inflammation of the bronchi and lungs; catarrhal pneumonia.
Grippe :: Grippe (n.) The influenza or epidemic catarrh.
Influenza :: Influenza (n.) An epidemic affection characterized by acute nasal catarrh, or by inflammation of the throat or the bronchi, and usually accompanied by fever..
Catarrhal :: Catarrhal (a.) Pertaining to, produced by, or attending, catarrh; of the nature of catarrh..
Hypersecretion :: Hypersecretion (n.) Morbid or excessive secretion, as in catarrh..
Catarrhous :: Catarrhous (a.) Catarrhal.
Cata :: Cata () The Latin and English form of a Greek preposition, used as a prefix to signify down, downward, under, against, contrary or opposed to, wholly, completely; as in cataclysm, catarrh. It sometimes drops the final vowel, as in catoptric; and is sometimes changed to cath, as in cathartic, catholic..
Coryza :: Coryza (n.) Nasal catarrh.
Dry :: Dry (superl.) Of certain morbid conditions, in which there is entire or comparative absence of moisture; as, dry gangrene; dry catarrh..
Measles :: Measles (n.) A contagious febrile disorder commencing with catarrhal symptoms, and marked by the appearance on the third day of an eruption of distinct red circular spots, which coalesce in a crescentic form, are slightly raised above the surface, and after the fourth day of the eruption gradually decline; rubeola..
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