Definition of endemic

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Endemic (n.) An endemic disease.

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Endemial :: Endemial (a.) Endemic.
Pellagra :: Pellagra (n.) An erythematous affection of the skin, with severe constitutional and nervous symptoms, endemic in Northern Italy..
Epidemical :: Epidemical (a.) Common to, or affecting at the same time, a large number in a community; -- applied to a disease which, spreading widely, attacks many persons at the same time; as, an epidemic disease; an epidemic catarrh, fever, etc. See Endemic..
Sibbens :: Sibbens (n.) A contagious disease, endemic in Scotland, resembling the yaws. It is marked by ulceration of the throat and nose and by pustules and soft fungous excrescences upon the surface of the body. In the Orkneys the name is applied to the itch..
Cretinism :: Cretinism (n.) A condition of endemic or inherited idiocy, accompanied by physical degeneracy and deformity (usually with goiter), frequent in certain mountain valleys, esp. of the Alps..
Enzootic :: Enzootic (a.) Afflicting animals; -- used of a disease affecting the animals of a district. It corresponds to an endemic disease among men.
Endemically :: Endemically (adv.) In an endemic manner.
Endemic :: Endemic (a.) Alt. of Endemica.
Endemic :: Endemic (n.) An endemic disease.
Endemical :: Endemical (a.) Peculiar to a district or particular locality, or class of persons; as, an endemic disease..
Endemiology :: Endemiology (n.) The science which treats of endemic affections.
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