Definition of encouragement

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Encouragement (n.) That which serves to incite, support, promote, or advance, as favor, countenance, reward, etc.; incentive; increase of confidence; as, the fine arts find little encouragement among a rude people..

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Comfort :: Comfort (n.) Unlawful support, countenance, or encouragement; as, to give aid and comfort to the enemy..
Metecorn :: Metecorn (n.) A quantity of corn formerly given by the lord to his customary tenants, as an encouragement to, or reward for, labor and faithful service..
Comfort :: Comfort (n.) Encouragement; solace; consolation in trouble; also, that which affords consolation..
Hey :: Hey (interj.) An exclamation of joy, surprise, or encouragement..
Fomentation :: Fomentation (n.) Excitation; instigation; encouragement.
Encouragement :: Encouragement (n.) That which serves to incite, support, promote, or advance, as favor, countenance, reward, etc.; incentive; increase of confidence; as, the fine arts find little encouragement among a rude people..
Patronage :: Patronage (n.) Special countenance or support; favor, encouragement, or aid, afforded to a person or a work; as, the patronage of letters; patronage given to an author..
Huzza :: Huzza (interj.) A word used as a shout of joy, exultation, approbation, or encouragement..
Yoicks :: Yoicks (interj.) A cry of encouragement to foxhounds.
Disencouragement :: Disencouragement (n.) Discouragement.
Hurra :: Hurra (interj.) A word used as a shout of joy, triumph, applause, encouragement, or welcome..
Counttenance :: Counttenance (n.) Approving or encouraging aspect of face; hence, favor, good will, support; aid; encouragement..
Encouragement :: Encouragement (n.) The act of encouraging; incitement to action or to practice; as, the encouragement of youth in generosity..
Art Union :: Art union () An association for promoting art (esp. the arts of design), and giving encouragement to artists..
Indebted :: Indebted (a.) Placed under obligation for something received, for which restitution or gratitude is due; as, we are indebted to our parents for their care of us in infancy; indebted to friends for help and encouragement..
Uphold :: Uphold (v. t.) To aid by approval or encouragement; to countenance; as, to uphold a person in wrongdoing..
Cherishment :: Cherishment (n.) Encouragement; comfort.
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