Definition of empiricism

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Empiricism (n.) Specifically, a practice of medicine founded on mere experience, without the aid of science or a knowledge of principles; ignorant and unscientific practice; charlatanry; quackery..

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Empiricism :: Empiricism (n.) The philosophical theory which attributes the origin of all our knowledge to experience.
Quackery :: Quackery (n.) The acts, arts, or boastful pretensions of a quack; false pretensions to any art; empiricism..
Empiricism :: Empiricism (n.) The method or practice of an empiric; pursuit of knowledge by observation and experiment.
Transcendentalism :: Transcendentalism (n.) The transcending, or going beyond, empiricism, and ascertaining a priori the fundamental principles of human knowledge..
Charlatanry :: Charlatanry (n.) Undue pretensions to skill; quackery; wheedling; empiricism.
Trancscendental :: Trancscendental (a.) In the Kantian system, of or pertaining to that which can be determined a priori in regard to the fundamental principles of all human knowledge. What is transcendental, therefore, transcends empiricism; but is does not transcend all human knowledge, or become transcendent. It simply signifies the a priori or necessary conditions of experience which, though affording the conditions of experience, transcend the sphere of that contingent knowledge which is acquired by experienc
Rationalism :: Rationalism (n.) The system that makes rational power the ultimate test of truth; -- opposed to sensualism, or sensationalism, and empiricism..
Empiricism :: Empiricism (n.) Specifically, a practice of medicine founded on mere experience, without the aid of science or a knowledge of principles; ignorant and unscientific practice; charlatanry; quackery..
Metempiricism :: Metempiricism (n.) The science that is concerned with metempirics.
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