Definition of embellishment

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Embellishment (n.) That which adds beauty or elegance; ornament; decoration; as, pictorial embellishments..

Lern More About Embellishment

Variation :: Variation (n.) Repetition of a theme or melody with fanciful embellishments or modifications, in time, tune, or harmony, or sometimes change of key; the presentation of a musical thought in new and varied aspects, yet so that the essential features of the original shall still preserve their identity..
Emblaze :: Emblaze (v. t.) To adorn with glittering embellishments.
Mordente :: Mordente (n.) An embellishment resembling a trill.
Melisma :: Melisma (n.) A grace or embellishment.
Garnish :: Garnish (n.) Something set round or upon a dish as an embellishment. See Garnish, v. t., 2..
Garniture :: Garniture (v. t.) That which garnishes; ornamental appendage; embellishment; furniture; dress.
Exornation :: Exornation (n.) Ornament; decoration; embellishment.
Fancy :: Fancy (n.) The faculty by which the mind forms an image or a representation of anything perceived before; the power of combining and modifying such objects into new pictures or images; the power of readily and happily creating and recalling such objects for the purpose of amusement, wit, or embellishment; imagination..
Decoration :: Decoration (n.) That which adorns, enriches, or beautifies; something added by way of embellishment; ornament..
Cadence :: Cadence (n.) A cadenza, or closing embellishment; a pause before the end of a strain, which the performer may fill with a flight of fancy..
Garnishment :: Garnishment (n.) Ornament; embellishment; decoration.
Enrichment :: Enrichment (n.) The act of making rich, or that which enriches; increase of value by improvements, embellishment, etc.; decoration; embellishment..
Plain :: Plain (superl.) Void of extraneous beauty or ornament; without conspicious embellishment; not rich; simple.
Turn :: Turn (n.) An embellishment or grace (marked thus, /), commonly consisting of the principal note, or that on which the turn is made, with the note above, and the semitone below, the note above being sounded first, the principal note next, and the semitone below last, the three being performed quickly, as a triplet preceding the marked note. The turn may be inverted so as to begin with the lower note, in which case the sign is either placed on end thus /, or drawn thus /..
Embellishment :: Embellishment (n.) That which adds beauty or elegance; ornament; decoration; as, pictorial embellishments..
Embellishment :: Embellishment (n.) The act of adorning, or the state of being adorned; adornment..
Ornament :: Ornament (n.) That which embellishes or adorns; that which adds grace or beauty; embellishment; decoration; adornment.
Disembellish :: Disembellish (v. t.) To deprive of embellishment; to disadorn.
Figure :: Figure (n.) A form of melody or accompaniment kept up through a strain or passage; a musical or motive; a florid embellishment.
Fixing :: Fixing (n.) Arrangements; embellishments; trimmings; accompaniments.
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