Definition of element

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Element (n.) The elements of the alchemists were salt, sulphur, and mercury..

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Spark :: Spark (n.) That which, like a spark, may be kindled into a flame, or into action; a feeble germ; an elementary principle..
Epicoracoid :: Epicoracoid (n.) A ventral cartilaginous or bony element of the coracoid in the shoulder girdle of some vertebrates.
Finific :: Finific (n.) A limiting element or quality.
Proper :: Proper (a.) Befitting one's nature, qualities, etc.; suitable in all respect; appropriate; right; fit; decent; as, water is the proper element for fish; a proper dress..
Hellenism :: Hellenism (n.) The type of character of the ancient Greeks, who aimed at culture, grace, and amenity, as the chief elements in human well-being and perfection..
Homoeomerical :: Homoeomerical (a.) Pertaining to, or characterized by, sameness of parts; receiving or advocating the doctrine of homogeneity of elements or first principles..
Heteroplasm :: Heteroplasm (n.) An abnormal formation foreign to the economy, and composed of elements different from those are found in it in its normal condition..
Ekaboron :: Ekaboron (n.) The name given by Mendelejeff in accordance with the periodic law, and by prediction, to a hypothetical element then unknown, but since discovered and named scandium; -- so called because it was a missing analogue of the boron group. See Scandium..
Protosulphide :: Protosulphide (n.) That one of a series of sulphides of any element which has the lowest proportion of sulphur; a sulphide with but one atom of sulphur in the molecule.
Thomsonianism :: Thomsonianism (n.) An empirical system which assumes that the human body is composed of four elements, earth, air, fire, and water, and that vegetable medicines alone should be used; -- from the founder, Dr. Samuel Thomson, of Massachusetts..
Carboxide :: Carboxide (n.) A compound of carbon and oxygen, as carbonyl, with some element or radical; as, potassium carboxide..
Selenious :: Selenious (a.) Of, pertaining to, or containing, selenium; specifically, designating those compounds in which the element has a lower valence as contrasted with selenic compounds..
Stress :: Stress (n.) Force of utterance expended upon words or syllables. Stress is in English the chief element in accent and is one of the most important in emphasis. See Guide to pronunciation, // 31-35..
Neurapophysis :: Neurapophysis (n.) One of the two lateral processes or elements which form the neural arch.
Stoichiology :: Stoichiology (n.) That part of the science of physiology which treats of the elements, or principles, composing animal tissues..
Hypapophysis :: Hypapophysis (n.) A process, or other element, of a vertebra developed from the ventral side of the centrum, as haemal spines, and chevron bones..
Element :: Element (n.) One of the simplest or essential parts or principles of which anything consists, or upon which the constitution or fundamental powers of anything are based..
Borofluoride :: Borofluoride (n.) A double fluoride of boron and hydrogen, or some other positive element, or radical; -- called also fluoboride, and formerly fluoborate..
Cadmium :: Cadmium (n.) A comparatively rare element related to zinc, and occurring in some zinc ores. It is a white metal, both ductile and malleable. Symbol Cd. Atomic weight 111.8. It was discovered by Stromeyer in 1817, who named it from its association with zinc or zinc ore..
Pharyngeal :: Pharyngeal (n.) A pharyngeal bone or cartilage; especially, one of the lower pharyngeals, which belong to the rudimentary fifth branchial arch in many fishes, or one of the upper pharyngeals, or pharyngobranchials, which are the dorsal elements in the complete branchial arches..
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