Definition of eking

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Eking (v. t.) A lengthening or filling piece to make good a deficiency in length.

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Widow-hunter :: Widow-hunter (n.) One who courts widows, seeking to marry one with a fortune..
Shrieking :: Shrieking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Shrie.
Resort :: Resort (v.) The act of going to, or making application; a betaking one's self; the act of visiting or seeking; recourse; as, a place of popular resort; -- often figuratively; as, to have resort to force..
Search :: Search (v. t.) The act of seeking or looking for something; quest; inquiry; pursuit for finding something; examination.
Eking :: Eking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ek.
Valetudinarian :: Valetudinarian (n.) A person of a weak or sickly constitution; one who is seeking to recover health.
Shright :: Shright (n.) A shriek; shrieking.
Delicious :: Delicious (a.) Addicted to pleasure; seeking enjoyment; luxurious; effeminate.
Concurrent :: Concurrent (n.) One pursuing the same course, or seeking the same objects; hence, a rival; an opponent..
Fast :: Fast (v.) Given to pleasure seeking; disregardful of restraint; reckless; wild; dissipated; dissolute; as, a fast man; a fast liver..
Seeking :: Seeking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of See.
Hamesucken :: Hamesucken (n.) The felonious seeking and invasion of a person in his dwelling house.
Opportunism :: Opportunism (n.) The art or practice of taking advantage of opportunities or circumstances, or of seeking immediate advantage with little regard for ultimate consequences..
Valetudinarian :: Valetudinarian (a.) Of infirm health; seeking to recover health; sickly; weakly; infirm.
Entitle :: Entitle (v. t.) To give a claim to; to qualify for, with a direct object of the person, and a remote object of the thing; to furnish with grounds for seeking or claiming with success; as, an officer's talents entitle him to command..
Quest :: Quest (n.) The act of seeking, or looking after anything; attempt to find or obtain; search; pursuit; as, to rove in quest of game, of a lost child, of property, etc..
Schism :: Schism (n.) Division or separation; specifically (Eccl.), permanent division or separation in the Christian church; breach of unity among people of the same religious faith; the offense of seeking to produce division in a church without justifiable cause..
Demand :: Demand (v. t.) The asking or seeking for what is due or claimed as due.
Expediential :: Expediential () Governed by expediency; seeking advantage; as an expediential policy.
Demand :: Demand (v. t.) A diligent seeking or search; manifested want; desire to possess; request; as, a demand for certain goods; a person's company is in great demand..
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