Definition of effectually

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Effectually (adv.) Actually; in effect.

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Insecure :: Insecure (a.) Not effectually guarded, protected, or sustained; unsafe; unstable; exposed to danger or loss..
Idly :: Idly (adv.) In a idle manner; ineffectually; vainly; lazily; carelessly; (Obs.) foolishly.
Outstand :: Outstand (v. t.) To resist effectually; to withstand; to sustain without yielding.
Ineffectively :: Ineffectively (adv.) In an ineffective manner; without effect; inefficiently; ineffectually.
Repel :: Repel (v. t.) To resist or oppose effectually; as, to repel an assault, an encroachment, or an argument..
Lost :: Lost (v. t.) Not employed or enjoyed; thrown away; employed ineffectually; wasted; squandered; as, a lost day; a lost opportunity or benefit..
Ineffectually :: Ineffectually (adv.) Without effect; in vain.
Secure :: Secure (v. t.) To make fast; to close or confine effectually; to render incapable of getting loose or escaping; as, to secure a prisoner; to secure a door, or the hatches of a ship..
Repress :: Repress (v. t.) To press back or down effectually; to crush down or out; to quell; to subdue; to supress; as, to repress sedition or rebellion; to repress the first risings of discontent..
Lose :: Lose (v. t.) Not to employ; to employ ineffectually; to throw away; to waste; to squander; as, to lose a day; to lose the benefits of instruction..
Effectually :: Effectually (adv.) With effect; efficaciously.
Rasante :: Rasante (a.) Sweeping; grazing; -- applied to a style of fortification in which the command of the works over each other, and over the country, is kept very low, in order that the shot may more effectually sweep or graze the ground before them..
Opposeless :: Opposeless (a.) Not to be effectually opposed; irresistible.
Taint :: Taint (v. i.) To thrust ineffectually with a lance.
Effectually :: Effectually (adv.) Actually; in effect.
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