Definition of amaurosis

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Amaurosis (n.) A loss or decay of sight, from loss of power in the optic nerve, without any perceptible external change in the eye; -- called also gutta serena, the drop serene of Milton..

Lern More About Amaurosis

Amaurotic :: Amaurotic (a.) Affected with amaurosis; having the characteristics of amaurosis.
Glasseye :: Glasseye (n.) A species of blindness in horses in which the eye is bright and the pupil dilated; a sort of amaurosis.
Amblyopy :: Amblyopy (n.) Weakness of sight, without and opacity of the cornea, or of the interior of the eye; the first degree of amaurosis..
Amaurosis :: Amaurosis (n.) A loss or decay of sight, from loss of power in the optic nerve, without any perceptible external change in the eye; -- called also gutta serena, the drop serene of Milton..
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