Definition of edgewise

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Edgewise (adv.) With the edge towards anything; in the direction of the edge.

Lern More About Edgewise

Edge :: Edge (v. t.) To move by little and little or cautiously, as by pressing forward edgewise; as, edging their chairs forwards..
Surbet :: Surbed (v. t.) To set edgewise, as a stone; that is, to set it in a position different from that which it had in the quarry..
Channel :: Channel (n.) Flat ledges of heavy plank bolted edgewise to the outside of a vessel, to increase the spread of the shrouds and carry them clear of the bulwarks..
Edgewise :: Edgewise (adv.) With the edge towards anything; in the direction of the edge.
Wedgewise :: Wedgewise (adv.) In the manner of a wedge.
Flatlong :: Flatlong (adv.) With the flat side downward; not edgewise.
Flatwise :: Flatwise (a. / adv.) With the flat side downward, or next to another object; not edgewise..
Snying :: Snying (n.) A curved plank, placed edgewise, to work in the bows of a vessel..
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