Definition of echoes

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Echoes (pl. ) of Ech.

Lern More About Echoes

Echometry :: Echometry (n.) The art of constructing vaults to produce echoes.
Wildwood :: Wildwood (n.) A wild or unfrequented wood. Also used adjectively; as, wildwood flowers; wildwood echoes..
Reecho :: Reecho (v. i.) To give echoes; to return back, or be reverberated, as an echo; to resound; to be resonant..
Echoes :: Echoes (pl. ) of Ech.
Echometry :: Echometry (n.) The art of measuring the duration of sounds or echoes.
Catacoustic :: Catacoustic (n.) That part of acoustics which treats of reflected sounds or echoes See Acoustics.
Surrebut :: Surrebound (v. i.) To give back echoes; to reecho.
Echoer :: Echoer (n.) One who, or that which, echoes..
Echoes :: Echoes (3d pers. sing. pres.) of Ech.
Anacamptically :: Anacamptically (adv.) By reflection; as, echoes are sound produced anacamptically..
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