Definition of echini

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Echini (pl. ) of Echinu.

Lern More About Echini

Echini :: Echini (pl. ) of Echinu.
Paleechinoidea :: Paleechinoidea (n. pl.) An extinct order of sea urchins found in the Paleozoic rocks. They had more than twenty vertical rows of plates. Called also Palaeechini.
Echinital :: Echinital (a.) Of, or like, an echinite..
Echinidan :: Echinidan (n.) One the Echinoidea.
Miliary :: Miliary (a.) Small and numerous; as, the miliary tubercles of Echini..
Petalosticha :: Petalosticha (n. pl.) An order of Echini, including the irregular sea urchins, as the spatangoids. See Spatangoid..
Miliary :: Miliary (n.) One of the small tubercles of Echini.
Echinite :: Echinite (n.) A fossil echinoid.
Petal :: Petal (n.) One of the expanded ambulacra which form a rosette on the black of certain Echini.
Pedicellaria :: Pedicellaria (n.) A peculiar forcepslike organ which occurs in large numbers upon starfishes and echini. Those of starfishes have two movable jaws, or blades, and are usually nearly, or quite, sessile; those of echini usually have three jaws and a pedicel. See Illustration in Appendix..
Galea :: Galea (n.) A genus of fossil echini, having a vaulted, helmet-shaped shell..
Echinid :: Echinid (a. & n.) Same as Echinoid.
Regularia :: Regularia (n. pl.) A division of Echini which includes the circular, or regular, sea urchins..
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