Definition of dye

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Dye (n.) Color produced by dyeing.

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Purple :: Purple (v. t.) To make purple; to dye of purple or deep red color; as, hands purpled with blood..
Parelle :: Parelle (n.) A kind of lichen (Lecanora parella) once used in dyeing and in the preparation of litmus.
Bepurple :: Bepurple (v. t.) To tinge or dye with a purple color.
Morinda :: Morinda (n.) A genus of rubiaceous trees and shrubs, mostly East Indian, many species of which yield valuable red and yellow dyes. The wood is hard and beautiful, and used for gunstocks..
Bedyed :: Bedyed (imp. & p. p.) of Bedy.
Rufol :: Rufol (n.) A phenol derivative of anthracene obtained as a white crystalline substance, which on oxidation produces a red dyestuff related to anthraquinone..
Tropaeolin :: Tropaeolin (n.) A name given to any one of a series of orange-red dyestuffs produced artificially from certain complex sulphonic acid derivatives of azo and diazo hydrocarbons of the aromatic series; -- so called because of the general resemblance to the shades of nasturtium (Tropaeolum).
Grain :: Grain (n.) A reddish dye made from the coccus insect, or kermes; hence, a red color of any tint or hue, as crimson, scarlet, etc.; sometimes used by the poets as equivalent to Tyrian purple..
Azure :: Azure (n.) The clear blue color of the sky; also, a pigment or dye of this color..
Pigment :: Pigment (n.) Any material from which a dye, a paint, or the like, may be prepared; particularly, the refined and purified coloring matter ready for mixing with an appropriate vehicle..
Turnbull''s Blue :: Turnbull's blue () The double cyanide of ferrous and ferric iron, a dark blue amorphous substance having a coppery luster, used in dyeing, calico printing, etc. Cf. Prussian blue, under Prussian..
Bandana :: Bandana (n.) A style of calico printing, in which white or bright spots are produced upon cloth previously dyed of a uniform red or dark color, by discharging portions of the color by chemical means, while the rest of the cloth is under pressure..
Magdala :: Magdala (a.) Designating an orange-red dyestuff obtained from naphthylamine, and called magdala red, naphthalene red, etc..
Cyanine :: Cyanine (n.) One of a series of artificial blue or red dyes obtained from quinoline and lepidine and used in calico printing.
Sumach :: Sumach (n.) Any plant of the genus Rhus, shrubs or small trees with usually compound leaves and clusters of small flowers. Some of the species are used in tanning, some in dyeing, and some in medicine. One, the Japanese Rhus vernicifera, yields the celebrated Japan varnish, or lacquer..
Kendal :: Kendal () A cloth colored green by dye obtained from the woad-waxen, formerly used by Flemish weavers at Kendal, in Westmoreland, England..
Sandalwood :: Sandalwood (n.) The red wood of a kind of buckthorn, used in Russia for dyeing leather (Rhamnus Dahuricus)..
Nigrosine :: Nigrosine (n.) A dark blue dyestuff, of the induline group; -- called also azodiphenyl blue..
Color :: Color (v. t.) To change or alter the hue or tint of, by dyeing, staining, painting, etc.; to dye; to tinge; to paint; to stain..
Cochineal :: Cochineal () A dyestuff consisting of the dried bodies of females of the Coccus cacti, an insect native in Mexico, Central America, etc., and found on several species of cactus, esp. Opuntia cochinellifera..
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