Definition of dyed

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Dyed (imp. & p. p.) of Dy.

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Seal-brown :: Seal-brown (a.) Of a rich dark brown color, like the fur of the fur seal after it is dyed..
Morocco :: Morocco (n.) A fine kind of leather, prepared commonly from goatskin (though an inferior kind is made of sheepskin), and tanned with sumac and dyed of various colors; -- said to have been first made by the Moors..
Tweed :: Tweed (n.) A soft and flexible fabric for men's wear, made wholly of wool except in some inferior kinds, the wool being dyed, usually in two colors, before weaving..
Bandana :: Bandana (n.) A style of calico printing, in which white or bright spots are produced upon cloth previously dyed of a uniform red or dark color, by discharging portions of the color by chemical means, while the rest of the cloth is under pressure..
Grained :: Grained (a.) Dyed in grain; ingrained.
Crock :: Crock (v. t.) To soil by contact, as with soot, or with the coloring matter of badly dyed cloth..
Singlet :: Singlet (n.) An unlined or undyed waistcoat; a single garment; -- opposed to doublet.
Bandana :: Bandana (n.) A species of silk or cotton handkerchief, having a uniformly dyed ground, usually of red or blue, with white or yellow figures of a circular, lozenge, or other simple form..
Blonde :: Blonde (n.) A kind of silk lace originally of the color of raw silk, now sometimes dyed; -- called also blond lace..
Toga :: Toga (n.) The loose outer garment worn by the ancient Romans, consisting of a single broad piece of woolen cloth of a shape approaching a semicircle. It was of undyed wool, except the border of the toga praetexta..
Plain :: Plain (superl.) Not variegated, dyed, or figured; as, plain muslin..
Colored :: Colored (a.) Having color; tinged; dyed; painted; stained.
Dyed :: Dyed (imp. & p. p.) of Dy.
Muslin :: Muslin (n.) A thin cotton, white, dyed, or printed. The name is also applied to coarser and heavier cotton goods; as, shirting and sheeting muslins..
Drugget :: Drugget (n.) A coarse woolen cloth dyed of one color or printed on one side; generally used as a covering for carpets.
Double-dyed :: Double-dyed (a.) Dyed twice; thoroughly or intensely colored; hence; firmly fixed in opinions or habits; as, a double-dyed villain..
Pongee :: Pongee (n.) A fabric of undyed silk from India and China.
Hoddengray :: Hoddengray (a.) Applied to coarse cloth made of undyed wool, formerly worn by Scotch peasants..
Gingham :: Gingham (n.) A kind of cotton or linen cloth, usually in stripes or checks, the yarn of which is dyed before it is woven; -- distinguished from printed cotton or prints..
Kalmuck :: Kalmuck (n.) A coarse, dyed, cotton cloth, made in Prussia..
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