Definition of duet

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Duet (n.) A composition for two performers, whether vocal or instrumental..

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Opera :: Opera (n.) A drama, either tragic or comic, of which music forms an essential part; a drama wholly or mostly sung, consisting of recitative, arials, choruses, duets, trios, etc., with orchestral accompaniment, preludes, and interludes, together with appropriate costumes, scenery, and action; a lyric drama..
Duo :: Duo (n.) A composition for two performers; a duet.
Duetto :: Duetto (n.) See Duet.
Duet :: Duet (n.) A composition for two performers, whether vocal or instrumental..
First :: First (n.) The upper part of a duet, trio, etc., either vocal or instrumental; -- so called because it generally expresses the air, and has a preeminence in the combined effect..
Duettino :: Duettino (n.) A duet of short extent and concise form.
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