Definition of ductile

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Ductile (a.) Easily led; tractable; complying; yielding to motives, persuasion, or instruction; as, a ductile people..

Lern More About Ductile

Copper :: Copper (n.) A common metal of a reddish color, both ductile and malleable, and very tenacious. It is one of the best conductors of heat and electricity. Symbol Cu. Atomic weight 63.3. It is one of the most useful metals in itself, and also in its alloys, brass and bronze..
Tensible :: Tensible (a.) Capable of being extended or drawn out; ductile; tensible.
Silver :: Silver (n.) A soft white metallic element, sonorous, ductile, very malleable, and capable of a high degree of polish. It is found native, and also combined with sulphur, arsenic, antimony, chlorine, etc., in the minerals argentite, proustite, pyrargyrite, ceragyrite, etc. Silver is one of the noble metals, so-called, not being easily oxidized, and is used for coin, jewelry, plate, and a great variety of articles. Symbol Ag (Argentum). Atomic weight 107.7. Specific gravity 10.5..
Lead :: Lead (n.) One of the elements, a heavy, pliable, inelastic metal, having a bright, bluish color, but easily tarnished. It is both malleable and ductile, though with little tenacity, and is used for tubes, sheets, bullets, etc. Its specific gravity is 11.37. It is easily fusible, forms alloys with other metals, and is an ingredient of solder and type metal. Atomic weight, 206.4. Symbol Pb (L. Plumbum). It is chiefly obtained from the mineral galena, lead sulphide..
Cerium :: Cerium (n.) A rare metallic element, occurring in the minerals cerite, allanite, monazite, etc. Symbol Ce. Atomic weight 141.5. It resembles iron in color and luster, but is soft, and both malleable and ductile. It tarnishes readily in the air..
Inductile :: Inductile (a.) Not ductile; incapable of being drawn into threads, as a metal; inelastic; tough..
Stretch :: Stretch (v. i.) To be extended, or to bear extension, without breaking, as elastic or ductile substances..
Magnesium :: Magnesium (n.) A light silver-white metallic element, malleable and ductile, quite permanent in dry air but tarnishing in moist air. It burns, forming (the oxide) magnesia, with the production of a blinding light (the so-called magnesium light) which is used in signaling, in pyrotechny, or in photography where a strong actinic illuminant is required. Its compounds occur abundantly, as in dolomite, talc, meerschaum, etc. Symbol Mg. Atomic weight, 24.4. Specific gravity, 1.75..
Nickel :: Nickel (n.) A bright silver-white metallic element. It is of the iron group, and is hard, malleable, and ductile. It occurs combined with sulphur in millerite, with arsenic in the mineral niccolite, and with arsenic and sulphur in nickel glance. Symbol Ni. Atomic weight 58.6..
Irretractile :: Irretractile (a.) Not tractile or ductile.
Isodulcite :: Isodulcite (n.) A white, crystalline, sugarlike substance, obtained by the decomposition of certain glucosides, and intermediate in nature between the hexacid alcohols (ductile, mannite, etc.) and the glucoses..
Facile :: Facile (a.) Easily persuaded to good or bad; yielding; ductile to a fault; pliant; flexible.
Ductile :: Ductile (a.) Capable of being elongated or drawn out, as into wire or threads..
Sequacious :: Sequacious (a.) Hence, ductile; malleable; pliant; manageable..
Cadmium :: Cadmium (n.) A comparatively rare element related to zinc, and occurring in some zinc ores. It is a white metal, both ductile and malleable. Symbol Cd. Atomic weight 111.8. It was discovered by Stromeyer in 1817, who named it from its association with zinc or zinc ore..
Eager :: Eager (a.) Brittle; inflexible; not ductile.
Flexible :: Flexible (a.) Willing or ready to yield to the influence of others; not invincibly rigid or obstinate; tractable; manageable; ductile; easy and compliant; wavering.
Tensile :: Tensile (a.) Capable of extension; ductile; tensible.
Tilting :: Tilting (n.) The process by which blister steel is rendered ductile by being forged with a tilt hammer.
Productile :: Productile (a.) Capable of being extended or prolonged; extensible; ductile.
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