Definition of drier

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Drier (n.) Drying oil; a substance mingled with the oil used in oil painting to make it dry quickly.

Lern More About Drier

Drier :: Drier (n.) Drying oil; a substance mingled with the oil used in oil painting to make it dry quickly.
Drier :: Drier (n.) One who, or that which, dries; that which may expel or absorb moisture; a desiccative; as, the sun and a northwesterly wind are great driers of the earth..
Dryer :: Dryer (n.) See Drier.
Madrier :: Madrier (n.) A plank or beam used for supporting the earth in mines or fortifications.
Madrier :: Madrier (n.) A plank to receive the mouth of a petard, with which it is applied to anything intended to be broken down..
Madrier :: Madrier (n.) A thick plank, used for several mechanical purposes.
Drier :: Drier (superl.) Alt. of Dries.
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