Definition of doubting

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of doubting is as below...

Doubting (a.) That is uncertain; that distrusts or hesitates; having doubts.

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Fiducial :: Fiducial (a.) Having faith or trust; confident; undoubting; firm.
Redoubting :: Redoubting (n.) Reverence; honor.
Doubting :: Doubting (a.) That is uncertain; that distrusts or hesitates; having doubts.
Unbelieving :: Unbelieving (a.) Not believing; incredulous; doubting; distrusting; skeptical.
Skepticism :: Skepticism (n.) A doubting of the truth of revelation, or a denial of the divine origin of the Christian religion, or of the being, perfections, or truth of God..
Assurance :: Assurance (n.) Firmness of mind; undoubting, steadiness; intrepidity; courage; confidence; self-reliance..
Skeptical :: Skeptical (a.) Of or pertaining to a sceptic or skepticism; characterized by skepticism; hesitating to admit the certainly of doctrines or principles; doubting of everything.
Skeptical :: Skeptical (a.) Doubting or denying the truth of revelation, or the sacred Scriptures..
Assured :: Assured (a.) Made sure; safe; insured; certain; indubitable; not doubting; bold to excess.
Doubting :: Doubting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Doub.
Fidiciary :: Fidiciary (a.) Involving confidence or trust; confident; undoubting; faithful; firm; as, in a fiduciary capacity..
Aporetical :: Aporetical (a.) Doubting; skeptical.
Dubitation :: Dubitation (n.) Act of doubting; doubt.
Indubious :: Indubious (a.) Not doubting; unsuspecting.
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