Definition of distemper

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Distemper (v. t.) To mix (colors) in the way of distemper; as, to distemper colors with size..

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Malady :: Malady (n.) Any disease of the human body; a distemper, disorder, or indisposition, proceeding from impaired, defective, or morbid organic functions; especially, a lingering or deep-seated disorder..
Distemper :: Distemper (v. t.) To temper or mix unduly; to make disproportionate; to change the due proportions of.
Distemperature :: Distemperature (n.) Disorder; confusion.
Stonecrop :: Stonecray (n.) A distemper in hawks.
Distemper :: Distemper (v. t.) Severity of climate; extreme weather, whether hot or cold..
Distemper :: Distemper (v. t.) Political disorder; tumult.
Garget :: Garget (n.) A distemper in hogs, indicated by staggering and loss of appetite..
Distempering :: Distempering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Distempe.
Distemperate :: Distemperate (a.) Diseased; disordered.
Distemper :: Distemper (v. t.) To mix (colors) in the way of distemper; as, to distemper colors with size..
Distemperature :: Distemperature (n.) Bad temperature; intemperateness; excess of heat or cold, or of other qualities; as, the distemperature of the air..
Rabid :: Rabid (n.) Affected with the distemper called rabies; mad; as, a rabid dog or fox..
Distemper :: Distemper (v. t.) To intoxicate.
Distempered :: Distempered (imp. & p. p.) of Distempe.
Distemper :: Distemper (v. t.) An undue or unnatural temper, or disproportionate mixture of parts..
Gargil :: Gargil (n.) A distemper in geese, affecting the head..
Atrocious :: Atrocious (a.) Very grievous or violent; terrible; as, atrocious distempers..
Gargol :: Gargol (n.) A distemper in swine; garget.
Tempera :: Tempera (n.) A mode or process of painting; distemper.
Distemper :: Distemper (v. t.) To deprive of temper or moderation; to disturb; to ruffle; to make disaffected, ill-humored, or malignant..
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