Definition of dispossess

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Dispossess (v. t.) To put out of possession; to deprive of the actual occupancy of, particularly of land or real estate; to disseize; to eject; -- usually followed by of before the thing taken away; as, to dispossess a king of his crown..

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Dispossess :: Dispossess (v. t.) To put out of possession; to deprive of the actual occupancy of, particularly of land or real estate; to disseize; to eject; -- usually followed by of before the thing taken away; as, to dispossess a king of his crown..
Eject :: Eject (v. t.) To cast out; to evict; to dispossess; as, to eject tenants from an estate..
Disseize :: Disseize (v. t.) To deprive of seizin or possession; to dispossess or oust wrongfully (one in freehold possession of land); -- followed by of; as, to disseize a tenant of his freehold..
Disfranchise :: Disfranchise (v. t.) To deprive of a franchise or chartered right; to dispossess of the rights of a citizen, or of a particular privilege, as of voting, holding office, etc..
Deprive :: Deprive (v. t.) To divest of office; to depose; to dispossess of dignity, especially ecclesiastical..
Ejection :: Ejection (n.) The state of being ejected or cast out; dispossession; banishment.
Disproperty :: Disproperty (v. t.) To cause to be no longer property; to dispossess of.
Deprive :: Deprive (v. t.) To dispossess; to bereave; to divest; to hinder from possessing; to debar; to shut out from; -- with a remoter object, usually preceded by of..
Deprivation :: Deprivation (n.) The act of depriving, dispossessing, or bereaving; the act of deposing or divesting of some dignity..
Evirate :: Evirate (v. t.) To emasculate; to dispossess of manhood.
Dispossessing :: Dispossessing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Disposses.
Ejector :: Ejector (n.) One who, or that which, ejects or dispossesses..
Dispossession :: Dispossession (n.) The putting out of possession, wrongfully or otherwise, of one who is in possession of a freehold, no matter in what title; -- called also ouster..
Outer :: Outer (v.) One who puts out, ousts, or expels; also, an ouster; dispossession..
Usurp :: Usurp (v. t.) To seize, and hold in possession, by force, or without right; as, to usurp a throne; to usurp the prerogatives of the crown; to usurp power; to usurp the right of a patron is to oust or dispossess him..
Disseizin :: Disseizin (n.) The act of disseizing; an unlawful dispossessing and ouster of a person actually seized of the freehold.
Ouster :: Ouster (n.) A putting out of possession; dispossession; ejection; disseizin.
Ejectment :: Ejectment (n.) A casting out; a dispossession; an expulsion; ejection; as, the ejectment of tenants from their homes..
Disinherit :: Disinherit (v. t.) To deprive of heritage; to dispossess.
Evict :: Evict (v. t.) To dispossess by a judicial process; to dispossess by paramount right or claim of such right; to eject; to oust.
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