Definition of disfigure

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Disfigure (v. t.) To mar the figure of; to render less complete, perfect, or beautiful in appearance; to deface; to deform..

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Beblubber :: Beblubber (v. t.) To make swollen and disfigured or sullied by weeping; as, her eyes or cheeks were beblubbered..
Defeat :: Defeat (v. t.) To undo; to disfigure; to destroy.
Disfigure :: Disfigure (v. t.) To mar the figure of; to render less complete, perfect, or beautiful in appearance; to deface; to deform..
Uglify :: Uglify (v. t.) To disfigure; to make ugly.
Dishonest :: Dishonest (a.) Dishonored; disgraced; disfigured.
Desightment :: Desightment (n.) The act of making unsightly; disfigurement.
Defacer :: Defacer (n.) One who, or that which, defaces or disfigures..
Deface :: Deface (v. t.) To destroy or mar the face or external appearance of; to disfigure; to injure, spoil, or mar, by effacing or obliterating important features or portions of; as, to deface a monument; to deface an edifice; to deface writing; to deface a note, deed, or bond; to deface a record..
Disfiguration :: Disfiguration (n.) The act of disfiguring, or the state of being disfigured; defacement; deformity; disfigurement..
Mar :: Mar (v.) To make defective; to do injury to, esp. by cutting off or defacing a part; to impair; to disfigure; to deface..
Disfigure :: Disfigure (n.) Disfigurement; deformity.
Disfigurement :: Disfigurement (n.) Act of disfiguring, or state of being disfigured; deformity..
Knuckle :: Knuckle (n.) A contrivance, usually of brass or iron, and furnished with points, worn to protect the hand, to add force to a blow, and to disfigure the person struck; as, brass knuckles; -- called also knuckle duster..
Blubber :: Blubber (v. t.) To swell or disfigure (the face) with weeping; to wet with tears.
Disfashion :: Disfashion (v. t.) To disfigure.
Visor :: Visor (n.) A mask used to disfigure or disguise.
Disfigured :: Disfigured (imp. & p. p.) of Disfigur.
Deform :: Deform (v. t.) To spoil the form of; to mar in form; to misshape; to disfigure.
Defacement :: Defacement (n.) That which mars or disfigures.
Disfigurer :: Disfigurer (n.) One who disfigures.
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