Definition of discouragement

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Discouragement (n.) That which discourages; that which deters, or tends to deter, from an undertaking, or from the prosecution of anything; a determent; as, the revolution was commenced under every possible discouragement..

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Discouragement :: Discouragement (n.) That which discourages; that which deters, or tends to deter, from an undertaking, or from the prosecution of anything; a determent; as, the revolution was commenced under every possible discouragement..
Discomfort :: Discomfort (v. t.) Discouragement.
Disheartenment :: Disheartenment (n.) Discouragement; dejection; depression of spirits.
Disencouragement :: Disencouragement (n.) Discouragement.
Persevere :: Persevere (v. i.) To persist in any business or enterprise undertaken; to pursue steadily any project or course begun; to maintain a purpose in spite of counter influences, opposition, or discouragement; not to give or abandon what is undertaken..
Dispiritment :: Dispiritment (n.) Depression of spirits; discouragement.
Drawback :: Drawback (n.) A loss of advantage, or deduction from profit, value, success, etc.; a discouragement or hindrance; objectionable feature..
Chill :: Chill (n.) A check to enthusiasm or warmth of feeling; discouragement; as, a chill comes over an assembly..
Revive :: Revive (v. i.) To raise from coma, languor, depression, or discouragement; to bring into action after a suspension..
Discouraging :: Discouraging (a.) Causing or indicating discouragement.
Despondency :: Despondency (n.) The state of desponding; loss of hope and cessation of effort; discouragement; depression or dejection of the mind.
Backset :: Backset (n.) A check; a relapse; a discouragement; a setback.
Die :: Die (v. i.) To sink; to faint; to pine; to languish, with weakness, discouragement, love, etc..
Discouragement :: Discouragement (n.) The act of discouraging, or the state of being discouraged; depression or weakening of confidence; dejection..
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