Definition of director

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Director (n.) A part of a machine or instrument which directs its motion or action.

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Guide :: Guide (v. t.) One who, or that which, directs another in his conduct or course of lifo; a director; a regulator..
Polestar :: Polestar (n.) A guide or director.
Ordinator :: Ordinator (n.) One who ordains or establishes; a director.
Directory :: Directory (n.) A body of directors; board of management; especially, a committee which held executive power in France under the first republic..
Guider :: Guider (n.) A guide; a director.
Directories :: Directories (pl. ) of Director.
Perfoliate :: Perfoliate (a.) Having the basal part produced around the stem; -- said of leaves which the stem apparently passes directory through.
Director :: Director (n.) A slender grooved instrument upon which a knife is made to slide when it is wished to limit the extent of motion of the latter, or prevent its injuring the parts beneath..
Floorwalker :: Floorwalker (n.) One who walks about in a large retail store as an overseer and director.
Mandator :: Mandator (n.) A director; one who gives a mandate or order.
Boss :: Boss (n.) A master workman or superintendent; a director or manager; a political dictator.
Shopwalker :: Shopwalker (n.) One who walks about in a shop as an overseer and director. Cf. Floorwalker.
Capellmeister :: Capellmeister (n.) The musical director in royal or ducal chapel; a choir-master.
Manager :: Manager (n.) One who manages; a conductor or director; as, the manager of a theater..
Directorship :: Directorship (n.) The condition or office of a director; directorate.
Bishop :: Bishop (n.) A spiritual overseer, superintendent, or director..
Pilot :: Pilot (n.) Figuratively: A guide; a director of another through a difficult or unknown course.
Helm :: Helm (n.) One at the place of direction or control; a steersman; hence, a guide; a director..
Directory :: Directory (n.) Direction; guide.
Disposer :: Disposer (n.) One who, or that which, disposes; a regulator; a director; a bestower..
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