Definition of dip

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Dip (n.) Inclination downward; direction below a horizontal line; slope; pitch.

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Adipoceriform :: Adipoceriform (a.) Having the form or appearance of adipocere; as, an adipoceriform tumor..
Croup :: Croup (n.) An inflammatory affection of the larynx or trachea, accompanied by a hoarse, ringing cough and stridulous, difficult breathing; esp., such an affection when associated with the development of a false membrane in the air passages (also called membranous croup). See False croup, under False, and Diphtheria..
Ceratodus :: Ceratodus (n.) A genus of ganoid fishes, of the order Dipnoi, first known as Mesozoic fossil fishes; but recently two living species have been discovered in Australian rivers. They have lungs so well developed that they can leave the water and breathe in air. In Australia they are called salmon and baramunda. See Dipnoi, and Archipterygium..
Pedipalpi :: Pedipalpi (pl. ) of Pedipalpu.
Anadiplosis :: Anadiplosis (n.) A repetition of the last word or any prominent word in a sentence or clause, at the beginning of the next, with an adjunct idea; as, He retained his virtues amidst all his misfortunes -- misfortunes which no prudence could foresee or prevent..
Tanystomata :: Tanystomata (n. pl.) A division of dipterous insects in which the proboscis is large and contains lancelike mandibles and maxillae. The horseflies and robber flies are examples.
Dipsosis :: Dipsosis (n.) Excessive thirst produced by disease.
Immerse :: Immerse (v. t.) To plunge into anything that surrounds or covers, especially into a fluid; to dip; to sink; to bury; to immerge..
Dipetalous :: Dipetalous (a.) Having two petals; two-petaled.
Diploid :: Diploid (n.) A solid bounded by twenty-four similar quadrilateral faces. It is a hemihedral form of the hexoctahedron.
Diploe :: Diploe (n.) The soft, spongy, or cancellated substance between the plates of the skull..
Splenalgia :: Spleget (n.) A cloth dipped in a liquid for washing a sore.
Synclinal :: Synclinal (a.) Formed by strata dipping toward a common line or plane; as, a synclinal trough or valley; a synclinal fold; -- opposed to anticlinal..
Dodipoll :: Dodipoll (n.) A stupid person; a fool; a blockhead.
Anticlinal :: Anticlinal (a.) Inclining or dipping in opposite directions. See Synclinal.
Adipsous :: Adipsous (a.) Quenching thirst, as certain fruits..
Dipyridine :: Dipyridine (n.) A polymeric form of pyridine, C10H10N2, obtained as a colorless oil by the action of sodium on pyridine..
Adipsy :: Adipsy (n.) Absence of thirst.
Clinometer :: Clinometer (n.) An instrument for determining the dip of beds or strata, pr the slope of an embankment or cutting; a kind of plumb level..
Achilles' Tendon :: Achilles' tendon (n.) The strong tendon formed of the united tendons of the large muscles in the calf of the leg, an inserted into the bone of the heel; -- so called from the mythological account of Achilles being held by the heel when dipped in the River Styx..
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