Definition of descendible

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Descendible (a.) Admitting descent; capable of being descended.

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Inheritable :: Inheritable (a.) Capable of being inherited; transmissible or descendible; as, an inheritable estate or title..
Descendible :: Descendible (a.) That may descend from an ancestor to an heir.
Descendibility :: Descendibility (n.) The quality of being descendible; capability of being transmitted from ancestors; as, the descendibility of an estate..
Descendible :: Descendible (a.) Admitting descent; capable of being descended.
Inherit :: Inherit (v. t.) To take by descent from an ancestor; to take by inheritance; to take as heir on the death of an ancestor or other person to whose estate one succeeds; to receive as a right or title descendible by law from an ancestor at his decease; as, the heir inherits the land or real estate of his father; the eldest son of a nobleman inherits his father's title; the eldest son of a king inherits the crown..
Frank-marriage :: Frank-marriage (n.) A certain tenure in tail special; an estate of inheritance given to a man his wife (the wife being of the blood of the donor), and descendible to the heirs of their two bodies begotten..
Birthright :: Birthright (n.) Any right, privilege, or possession to which a person is entitled by birth, such as an estate descendible by law to an heir, or civil liberty under a free constitution; esp. the rights or inheritance of the first born..
Inheritability :: Inheritability (n.) The quality of being inheritable or descendible to heirs.
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