Definition of depressed

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Depressed (a.) Concave on the upper side; -- said of a leaf whose disk is lower than the border.

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Umbilicated :: Umbilicated (a.) Depressed in the middle, like a navel, as a flower, fruit, or leaf; navel-shaped; having an umbilicus; as, an umbilicated smallpox vesicle..
Elastic :: Elastic (a.) Able to return quickly to a former state or condition, after being depressed or overtaxed; having power to recover easily from shocks and trials; as, elastic spirits; an elastic constitution..
Low :: Low (superl.) Depressed in condition; humble in rank; as, men of low condition; the lower classes..
Sink :: Sink (v. i.) To be overwhelmed or depressed; to fall slowly, as so the ground, from weakness or from an overburden; to fail in strength; to decline; to decay; to decrease..
Angler :: Angler (n.) A fish (Lophius piscatorius), of Europe and America, having a large, broad, and depressed head, with the mouth very large. Peculiar appendages on the head are said to be used to entice fishes within reach. Called also fishing frog, frogfish, toadfish, goosefish, allmouth, monkfish, etc..
Cathetometer :: Cathetometer (n.) An instrument for the accurate measurement of small differences of height; esp. of the differences in the height of the upper surfaces of two columns of mercury or other fluid, or of the same column at different times. It consists of a telescopic leveling apparatus (d), which slides up or down a perpendicular metallic standard very finely graduated (bb). The telescope is raised or depressed in order to sight the objects or surfaces, and the differences in vertical height are th
Flat :: Flat (superl.) Lacking liveliness of commercial exchange and dealings; depressed; dull; as, the market is flat..
Cyclamen :: Cyclamen (n.) A genus of plants of the Primrose family, having depressed rounded corms, and pretty nodding flowers with the petals so reflexed as to point upwards, whence it is called rabbits' ears. It is also called sow bread, because hogs are said to eat the corms..
Undaunted :: Undaunted (a.) Not daunted; not subdued or depressed by fear.
Damp :: Damp (superl.) Dejected; depressed; sunk.
Drop :: Drop (v. i.) To fall or be depressed; to lower; as, the point of the spear dropped a little..
Elevator :: Elevator (n.) An instrument for raising a depressed portion of a bone.
Groove :: Groove (n.) A furrow, channel, or long hollow, such as may be formed by cutting, molding, grinding, the wearing force of flowing water, or constant travel; a depressed way; a worn path; a rut..
Harness :: Harness (n.) The part of a loom comprising the heddles, with their means of support and motion, by which the threads of the warp are alternately raised and depressed for the passage of the shuttle..
Moody :: Moody (superl.) Subject to varying moods, especially to states of mind which are unamiable or depressed..
Hollow :: Hollow (n.) A low spot surrounded by elevations; a depressed part of a surface; a concavity; a channel.
Droop :: Droop (v. i.) To grow weak or faint with disappointment, grief, or like causes; to be dispirited or depressed; to languish; as, her spirits drooped..
Low :: Low (superl.) Occupying an inferior position or place; not high or elevated; depressed in comparison with something else; as, low ground; a low flight..
Capillarity :: Capillarity (n.) The peculiar action by which the surface of a liquid, where it is in contact with a solid (as in a capillary tube), is elevated or depressed; capillary attraction..
Tame :: Tame (superl.) Crushed; subdued; depressed; spiritless.
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