Definition of deploy

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Deploy (n.) Alt. of Deploymen.

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Deployed :: Deployed (imp. & p. p.) of Deplo.
Deploying :: Deploying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Deplo.
Skirmisher :: Skirmisher (n.) Soldiers deployed in loose order, to cover the front or flanks of an advancing army or a marching column..
Ployment :: Ployment (n.) The act or movement of forming a column from a line of troops on some designated subdivision; -- the opposite of deployment.
Deploy :: Deploy (v. t. & i.) To open out; to unfold; to spread out (a body of troops) in such a way that they shall display a wider front and less depth; -- the reverse of ploy; as, to deploy a column of troops into line of battle..
Deployment :: Deployment (n.) The act of deploying; a spreading out of a body of men in order to extend their front.
Ploy :: Ploy (v. i.) To form a column from a line of troops on some designated subdivision; -- the opposite of deploy.
Column :: Column (n.) A body of troops formed in ranks, one behind the other; -- contradistinguished from line. Compare Ploy, and Deploy..
Deploy :: Deploy (n.) Alt. of Deploymen.
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