Definition of dependency

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Dependency (n.) State of being dependent; dependence; state of being subordinate; subordination; concatenation; connection; reliance; trust.

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Independentism :: Independentism (n.) Independency; the church system of Independents.
Barrowist :: Barrowist (n.) A follower of Henry Barrowe, one of the founders of Independency or Congregationalism in England. Barrowe was executed for nonconformity in 1953..
Dependency :: Dependency (n.) A thing hanging down; a dependence.
Taluk :: Taluk (n.) A large estate; esp., one constituting a revenue district or dependency the native proprietor of which is responsible for the collection and payment of the public revenue due from it..
Dependancy :: Dependancy (n.) See Dependent, Dependence, Dependency..
Appanage :: Appanage (n.) A dependency; a dependent territory.
Dependency :: Dependency (n.) State of being dependent; dependence; state of being subordinate; subordination; concatenation; connection; reliance; trust.
Independency :: Independency (n.) Doctrine and polity of the Independents.
Interdependency :: Interdependency (n.) Mutual dependence; as, interdependency of interests..
Independency :: Independency (n.) Independence.
Dependency :: Dependency (n.) A territory remote from the kingdom or state to which it belongs, but subject to its dominion; a colony; as, Great Britain has its dependencies in Asia, Africa, and America..
Dependency :: Dependency (n.) That which is attached to something else as its consequence, subordinate, satellite, and the like..
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