Definition of democratic

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Democratic (a.) Pertaining to democracy; favoring democracy, or constructed upon the principle of government by the people..

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Hunker :: Hunker (n.) Originally, a nickname for a member of the conservative section of the Democratic party in New York; hence, one opposed to progress in general; a fogy..
Self-government :: Self-government (n.) Hence, government of a community, state, or nation by the joint action of the mass of people constituting such a civil body; also, the state of being so governed; democratic government; democracy..
Democratic :: Democratic (a.) Pertaining to democracy; favoring democracy, or constructed upon the principle of government by the people..
Democratical :: Democratical (a.) Democratic.
Democratize :: Democratize (v. t.) To render democratic.
Democracy :: Democracy (n.) The principles and policy of the Democratic party, so called..
Democratically :: Democratically (adv.) In a democratic manner.
Locofoco :: Locofoco (n.) A nickname formerly given to a member of the Democratic party.
Rota :: Rota (n.) A short-lived political club established in 1659 by J.Harrington to inculcate the democratic doctrine of election of the principal officers of the state by ballot, and the annual retirement of a portion of Parliament..
Whig :: Whig (n.) One of the political party in the United States from about 1829 to 1856, opposed in politics to the Democratic party..
Liberal :: Liberal (a.) Not bound by orthodox tenets or established forms in political or religious philosophy; independent in opinion; not conservative; friendly to great freedom in the constitution or administration of government; having tendency toward democratic or republican, as distinguished from monarchical or aristocratic, forms; as, liberal thinkers; liberal Christians; the Liberal party..
Democratic :: Democratic (a.) Befitting the common people; -- opposed to aristocratic.
Democratic :: Democratic (a.) Relating to a political party so called.
Ultra- :: Ultra- (a.) A prefix from the Latin ultra beyond (see Ulterior), having in composition the signification beyond, on the other side, chiefly when joined with words expressing relations of place; as, ultramarine, ultramontane, ultramundane, ultratropical, etc. In other relations it has the sense of excessively, exceedingly, beyond what is common, natural, right, or proper; as, ultraconservative; ultrademocratic, ultradespotic, ultraliberal, ultraradical, etc..
Democrat :: Democrat (n.) A member of the Democratic party.
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