Definition of alert

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Alert (a.) Brisk; nimble; moving with celerity.

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Alertly :: Alertly (adv.) In an alert manner; nimbly.
Sprad :: Sprack (a.) Quick; lively; alert.
Alertness :: Alertness (n.) The quality of being alert or on the alert; briskness; nimbleness; activity.
Slow :: Slow (superl.) Heavy in wit; not alert, prompt, or spirited; wearisome; dull..
Alert :: Alert (a.) Watchful; vigilant; active in vigilance.
Wide-awake :: Wide-awake (a.) Fully awake; not drowsy or dull; hence, knowing; keen; alert..
Alert :: Alert (a.) Brisk; nimble; moving with celerity.
Alarm :: Alarm (v. t.) To call to arms for defense; to give notice to (any one) of approaching danger; to rouse to vigilance and action; to put on the alert.
Rustler :: Rustler (n.) A bovine animal that can care for itself in any circumstances; also, an alert, energetic, driving person..
Alert :: Alert (n.) An alarm from a real or threatened attack; a sudden attack; also, a bugle sound to give warning..
Erect :: Erect (a.) Watchful; alert.
Gleg :: Gleg (a.) Quick of perception; alert; sharp.
Tiptoe :: Tiptoe (a.) Being on tiptoe, or as on tiptoe; hence, raised as high as possible; lifted up; exalted; also, alert..
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