Definition of delicate

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Delicate (a.) Affected by slight causes; showing slight changes; as, a delicate thermometer..

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Stubbedness :: Stubbed (a.) Not nice or delicate; hardy; rugged.
Fingering :: Fingering (n.) Delicate work made with the fingers.
Retepore :: Retepore (n.) Any one of several species of bryozoans of the genus Retepora. They form delicate calcareous corals, usually composed of thin fenestrated fronds..
Coarse :: Coarse (superl.) Not refined; rough; rude; unpolished; gross; indelicate; as, coarse manners; coarse language..
Greasy :: Greasy (superl.) Gross; indelicate; indecent.
Daintify :: Daintify (v. t.) To render dainty, delicate, or fastidious..
Blue-eyed Grass :: Blue-eyed grass () a grasslike plant (Sisyrinchium anceps), with small flowers of a delicate blue color..
Delicate :: Delicate (a.) Slight and shapely; lovely; graceful; as, a delicate creature..
Protoplasta :: Protoplasta (n. pl.) A division of fresh-water rhizopods including those that have a soft body and delicate branched pseudopodia. The genus Gromia is one of the best-known.
Effeminate :: Effeminate (v. t.) To make womanish; to make soft and delicate; to weaken.
Nesh :: Nesh (a.) Soft; tender; delicate.
Forceps :: Forceps (n.) A pair of pinchers, or tongs; an instrument for grasping, holding firmly, or exerting traction upon, bodies which it would be inconvenient or impracticable to seize with the fingers, especially one for delicate operations, as those of watchmakers, surgeons, accoucheurs, dentists, etc..
Byssaceous :: Byssaceous (a.) Byssuslike; consisting of fine fibers or threads, as some very delicate filamentous algae..
Delicate :: Delicate (a.) Slight or smooth; light and yielding; -- said of texture; as, delicate lace or silk..
Say :: Say (n.) A delicate kind of serge, or woolen cloth..
Velvety :: Velvety (a.) Made of velvet, or like velvet; soft; smooth; delicate..
Light :: Light (superl.) Not pressing heavily or hard upon; hence, having an easy, graceful manner; delicate; as, a light touch; a light style of execution..
Agate :: Agate (n.) A semipellucid, uncrystallized variety of quartz, presenting various tints in the same specimen. Its colors are delicately arranged in stripes or bands, or blended in clouds..
Araneous :: Araneous (a.) Cobweblike; extremely thin and delicate, like a cobweb; as, the araneous membrane of the eye. See Arachnoid..
Delicate :: Delicate (a.) Soft and fair; -- said of the skin or a surface; as, a delicate cheek; a delicate complexion..
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