Definition of alchemy

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Alchemy (n.) A mixed metal composed mainly of brass, formerly used for various utensils; hence, a trumpet..

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Alchemist :: Alchemist (n.) One who practices alchemy.
Alchemical :: Alchemical (a.) Of or relating to alchemy.
Alchemize :: Alchemize (v. t.) To change by alchemy; to transmute.
Multiply :: Multiply (v. t.) To increase (the amount of gold or silver) by the arts of alchemy.
Alchemy :: Alchemy (n.) A mixed metal composed mainly of brass, formerly used for various utensils; hence, a trumpet..
Multiply :: Multiply (v. i.) To increase amount of gold or silver by the arts of alchemy.
Alchemistical :: Alchemistical (a.) Relating to or practicing alchemy.
Alchemy :: Alchemy (n.) An imaginary art which aimed to transmute the baser metals into gold, to find the panacea, or universal remedy for diseases, etc. It led the way to modern chemistry..
Citrination :: Citrination (n.) The process by which anything becomes of the color of a lemon; esp., in alchemy, the state of perfection in the philosopher's stone indicated by its assuming a deep yellow color..
Alchemistry :: Alchemistry (n.) Alchemy.
Spagyrist :: Spagyrist (n.) One of a sect which arose in the days of alchemy, who sought to discover remedies for disease by chemical means. The spagyrists historically preceded the iatrochemists..
Al- :: Al- (A prefix.) The Arabic definite article answering to the English the; as, Alkoran, the Koran or the Book; alchemy, the chemistry..
Alchemically :: Alchemically (adv.) In the manner of alchemy.
Descensory :: Descensory (n.) A vessel used in alchemy to extract oils.
Alchymy :: Alchymy (n.) See Alchemic, Alchemist, Alchemistic, Alchemy..
Alchemy :: Alchemy (n.) Miraculous power of transmuting something common into something precious.
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