Definition of dear

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Dear (n.) A dear one; lover; sweetheart.

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Caress :: Caress (n.) To treat with tokens of fondness, affection, or kindness; to touch or speak to in a loving or endearing manner; to fondle..
Leve :: Leve (a.) Dear. See Lief.
Endearment :: Endearment (n.) The act of endearing or the state of being endeared; also, that which manifests, excites, or increases, affection..
Indear :: Indear (v. t.) See Endear.
Hypocoristic :: Hypocoristic (a.) Endearing; diminutive; as, the hypocoristic form of a name..
Wanton :: Wanton (n.) A roving, frolicsome thing; a trifler; -- used rarely as a term of endearment..
Costly :: Costly (a.) Of great cost; expensive; dear.
Caress :: Caress (n.) An act of endearment; any act or expression of affection; an embracing, or touching, with tenderness..
Dear-loved :: Dear-loved (a.) Greatly beloved.
Overhold :: Overhold (v. t.) To hold or value too highly; to estimate at too dear a rate.
Endeared :: Endeared (imp. & p. p.) of Endea.
Miting :: Miting (n.) A little one; -- used as a term of endearment.
Tot :: Tot (n.) Anything small; -- frequently applied as a term of endearment to a little child.
Poor :: Poor (superl.) Worthy of pity or sympathy; -- used also sometimes as a term of endearment, or as an expression of modesty, and sometimes as a word of contempt..
Dearth :: Dearth (n.) Scarcity which renders dear; want; lack; specifically, lack of food on account of failure of crops; famine..
Dearness :: Dearness (n.) The quality or state of being dear; costliness; excess of price.
Dearn :: Dearn (v. t.) Same as Darn.
Life :: Life (n.) Something dear to one as one's existence; a darling; -- used as a term of endearment.
Endearing :: Endearing (a.) Making dear or beloved; causing love.
Sweet :: Sweet (n.) One who is dear to another; a darling; -- a term of endearment.
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