Definition of tot

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Tot (n.) Anything small; -- frequently applied as a term of endearment to a little child.

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Lyceum :: Lyceum (n.) A place of exercise with covered walks, in the suburbs of Athens, where Aristotle taught philosophy..
Crush :: Crush (v. t.) To overcome completely; to subdue totally.
Shake :: Shake (v. i.) To be agitated with a waving or vibratory motion; to tremble; to shiver; to quake; to totter.
Ticklish :: Ticklish (a.) Standing so as to be liable to totter and fall at the slightest touch; unfixed; easily affected; unstable.
Ramist :: Ramist (n.) A follower of Pierre Rame, better known as Ramus, a celebrated French scholar, who was professor of rhetoric and philosophy at Paris in the reign of Henry II., and opposed the Aristotelians..
Oared :: Oared (a.) Totipalmate; -- said of the feet of certain birds. See Illust. of Aves.
Kafir :: Kafir (n.) One of a race which, with the Hottentots and Bushmen, inhabit South Africa. They inhabit the country north of Cape Colony, the name being now specifically applied to the tribes living between Cape Colony and Natal; but the Zulus of Natal are true Kaffirs..
Intensity :: Intensity (n.) The magnitude of a distributed force, as pressure, stress, weight, etc., per unit of surface, or of volume, as the case may be; as, the measure of the intensity of a total stress of forty pounds which is distributed uniformly over a surface of four square inches area is ten pounds per square inch..
Gens :: Gens (a.) A minor subdivision of a tribe, among American aborigines. It includes those who have a common descent, and bear the same totem..
Osteoplasty :: Osteoplasty (n.) An operation or process by which the total or partial loss of a bone is remedied.
Waddle :: Waddle (v. i.) To walk with short steps, swaying the body from one side to the other, like a duck or very fat person; to move clumsily and totteringly along; to toddle; to stumble; as, a child waddles when he begins to walk; a goose waddles..
Rental :: Rental (n.) A sum total of rents; as, an estate that yields a rental of ten thousand dollars a year..
Chaetotaxy :: Chaetotaxy (n.) The arrangement of bristles on an insect.
Exoterics :: Exoterics (n. pl.) The public lectures or published writings of Aristotle. See Esoterics.
Entothorax :: Entothorax (n.) See Endothorax.
Phototypic :: Phototypic (a.) Of or pertaining to a phototype or phototypy.
Totipresent :: Totipresent (a.) Omnipresence.
Cystotomy :: Cystotomy (n.) The act or practice of opening cysts; esp., the operation of cutting into the bladder, as for the extraction of a calculus..
Teetotally :: Teetotally (adv.) Entirely; totally.
Homoioptoton :: Homoioptoton (n.) A figure in which the several parts of a sentence end with the same case, or inflection generally..
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