Definition of daguerreotype

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of daguerreotype is as below...

Daguerreotype (v. t.) To impress with great distinctness; to imprint; to imitate exactly.

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Mat :: Mat (n.) An ornamental border made of paper, pasterboard, metal, etc., put under the glass which covers a framed picture; as, the mat of a daguerreotype..
Daguerreotype :: Daguerreotype (v. t.) To produce or represent by the daguerreotype process, as a picture..
Daguerreotyped :: Daguerreotyped (imp. & p. p.) of Daguerreotyp.
Daguerreotyper :: Daguerreotyper (n.) Alt. of Daguerreotypis.
Daguerreotypist :: Daguerreotypist (n.) One who takes daguerreotypes.
Daguerreian :: Daguerreian (a.) Pertaining to Daguerre, or to his invention of the daguerreotype..
Daguerreotype :: Daguerreotype (n.) An early variety of photograph, produced on a silver plate, or copper plate covered with silver, and rendered sensitive by the action of iodine, or iodine and bromine, on which, after exposure in the camera, the latent image is developed by the vapor of mercury..
Daguerreotype :: Daguerreotype (v. t.) To impress with great distinctness; to imprint; to imitate exactly.
Daguerreotype :: Daguerreotype (n.) The process of taking such pictures.
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