Definition of alabaster

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Alabaster (n.) A box or vessel for holding odoriferous ointments, etc.; -- so called from the stone of which it was originally made..

Lern More About Alabaster

Alabaster :: Alabaster (n.) A compact variety or sulphate of lime, or gypsum, of fine texture, and usually white and translucent, but sometimes yellow, red, or gray. It is carved into vases, mantel ornaments, etc..
Gypsum :: Gypsum (n.) A mineral consisting of the hydrous sulphate of lime (calcium). When calcined, it forms plaster of Paris. Selenite is a transparent, crystalline variety; alabaster, a fine, white, massive variety..
Alabaster :: Alabaster (n.) A hard, compact variety of carbonate of lime, somewhat translucent, or of banded shades of color; stalagmite. The name is used in this sense by Pliny. It is sometimes distinguished as oriental alabaster..
Alabastrine :: Alabastrine (a.) Of, pertaining to, or like, alabaster; as alabastrine limbs..
Alabaster :: Alabaster (n.) A box or vessel for holding odoriferous ointments, etc.; -- so called from the stone of which it was originally made..
Fengite :: Fengite (n.) A kind of marble or alabaster, sometimes used for windows on account of its transparency..
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