Definition of air sac

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Air sac () One of the spaces in different parts of the bodies of birds, which are filled with air and connected with the air passages of the lungs; an air cell..

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Physophorae :: Physophorae (n. pl.) An order of Siphonophora, furnished with an air sac, or float, and a series of nectocalyces. See Illust. under Nectocalyx..
Air Bladder :: Air bladder () An air sac, sometimes double or variously lobed, in the visceral cavity of many fishes. It originates in the same way as the lungs of air-breathing vertebrates, and in the adult may retain a tubular connection with the pharynx or esophagus..
Tympanum :: Tympanum (n.) One of the naked, inflatable air sacs on the neck of the prairie chicken and other species of grouse..
Air Cell :: Air cell () A receptacle of air in various parts of the system; as, a cell or minute cavity in the walls of the air tubes of the lungs; the air sac of birds; a dilatation of the air vessels in insects..
Subcaliber :: Subbronchial (a.) Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the bronchi; as, the subbronchial air sacs of birds..
Physograde :: Physograde (n.) Any siphonophore which has an air sac for a float, as the Physalia..
Air Sac :: Air sac () One of the spaces in different parts of the bodies of birds, which are filled with air and connected with the air passages of the lungs; an air cell..
Prebronchial :: Prebronchial (a.) Situated in front of the bronchus; -- applied especially to an air sac on either side of the esophagus of birds.
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