Definition of crown

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Crown (n.) Imperial or regal power or dominion; sovereignty.

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Knoll :: Knoll (n.) A little round hill; a mound; a small elevation of earth; the top or crown of a hill.
Crown :: Crown (n.) The vertex or top of an arch; -- applied generally to about one third of the curve, but in a pointed arch to the apex only..
Tiara :: Tiara (n.) The pope's triple crown. It was at first a round, high cap, but was afterward encompassed with a crown, subsequently with a second, and finally with a third. Fig.: The papal dignity..
Circuit :: Circuit (n.) That which encircles anything, as a ring or crown..
Down :: Down (n.) The pubescence of plants; the hairy crown or envelope of the seeds of certain plants, as of the thistle..
Capuchin :: Capuchin (n.) A long-tailed South American monkey (Cabus capucinus), having the forehead naked and wrinkled, with the hair on the crown reflexed and resembling a monk's cowl, the rest being of a grayish white; -- called also capucine monkey, weeper, sajou, sapajou, and sai..
Prisage :: Prisage (n.) A right belonging to the crown of England, of taking two tuns of wine from every ship importing twenty tuns or more, -- one before and one behind the mast. By charter of Edward I. butlerage was substituted for this..
Inherit :: Inherit (v. t.) To take by descent from an ancestor; to take by inheritance; to take as heir on the death of an ancestor or other person to whose estate one succeeds; to receive as a right or title descendible by law from an ancestor at his decease; as, the heir inherits the land or real estate of his father; the eldest son of a nobleman inherits his father's title; the eldest son of a king inherits the crown..
Christ''s-thorn :: Christ's-thorn (n.) One of several prickly or thorny shrubs found in Palestine, especially the Paliurus aculeatus, Zizyphus Spina-Christi, and Z. vulgaris. The last bears the fruit called jujube, and may be considered to have been the most readily obtainable for the Crown of Thorns..
Coronet :: Coronet (n.) An ornamental or honorary headdress, having the shape and character of a crown; particularly, a crown worn as the mark of high rank lower than sovereignty. The word is used by Shakespeare to denote also a kingly crown..
Crown :: Crown (n.) The dome of a furnace.
Scissorstail :: Scissorstail (n.) A tyrant flycatcher (Milvulus forficatus) of the Southern United States and Mexico, which has a deeply forked tail. It is light gray above, white beneath, salmon on the flanks, and fiery red at the base of the crown feathers..
Crowned :: Crowned (p. p. & a.) Great; excessive; supreme.
Emblematical :: Emblematical (a.) Pertaining to, containing, or consisting in, an emblem; symbolic; typically representative; representing as an emblem; as, emblematic language or ornaments; a crown is emblematic of royalty; white is emblematic of purity..
Copple-crown :: Copple-crown (n.) A created or high-topped crown or head.
Donatory :: Donatory (n.) A donee of the crown; one the whom, upon certain condition, escheated property is made over..
Corona :: Corona (n.) A crown or garland bestowed among the Romans as a reward for distinguished services.
Crown :: Crown (n.) A size of writing paper. See under Paper.
Ceremony :: Ceremony (n.) Ar act or series of acts, often of a symbolical character, prescribed by law, custom, or authority, in the conduct of important matters, as in the performance of religious duties, the transaction of affairs of state, and the celebration of notable events; as, the ceremony of crowning a sovereign; the ceremonies observed in consecrating a church; marriage and baptismal ceremonies..
Table :: Table (n.) A circular plate of crown glass.
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